Today’s heart-filled episode is part two of our in-depth conversation with Maryam Hasnaa, someone that we very much admire and someone whose work has inspired us. It’s a real honor and blessing to share this space with her as she opens up about her mission and message.
Maryam Hasnaa Shares Love Templates For a New Age of Unity
She’s the creator and founder of New Earth Mystery School and Resonance Apothecary. She’s an intuitive, a channel, and energy healer – and she is super, super powerful.
We talk about the complex energetics of love, relationship templates (old and new), soul contracts, evolving and devolving, and so much more – closing with a reading on 2023 for the collective.
“Being in union with another is seeing God in them and having that reflected back to you.” – Maryam Hasnaa, Almost 30 Podcast
We also talk about:
- Evolving (or not) alongside your partner
- Opening up to new relationship templates
- Maryam’s relationship experience
- Staying on mission with your energy
- Connecting to her vaster self
- Old and new relationship templates
- It’s about divine union
- Running your own colors
- Being a drop in the ocean
- Appreciating the beauty around us
- A reading for 2023
- Etheric Gardening: An exploration of the mysticism of sound
- Website:
- Instagram: @maryamhasnaa
- Twitter: @Maryamhasnaa
- Resonance Apothecary:
- New Earth Mystery School:
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Related content:
- Maryam Hasnaa: Understanding and Mastering Subtle Energies #580
- Emotional Maturity and its Importance in Relationships with Young Pueblo #549
- Viral Poet + Activist Yung Pueblo on The Power of Social Media and the Evolution of our Collective Consciousness #77
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Almost 30 is edited by Crate Media.
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