Today’s guest is renowned psychologist, writer, and teacher Gay Hendricks, PhD, best known for his work in the field of body intelligence, relationships, and personal growth. The curtain is pulled back in this one, revealing what’s keeping you from living and expressing fully, discerning between growth and misalignment in relationships, and finding center within your personal genius zone.
Gay Hendricks Helps Us Find (And Stay In) Our Zone of Genius
Don’t miss this heart-filled conversation, as K+L reveal the profound effect Dr. Hendricks’s work has had in their own lives (during their Saturn return) and how it formed an important foundation for the early years of Almost 30, inspiring us to support people in their own evolution.
“One of the big problems that people in relationships have is that almost every argument is a race to occupy the victim position.” Gay Hendricks, Almost 30 Podcast
Start a path toward harmony of mind, body, and spirit today – and share this episode with a friend who’s on the journey with you.
We also talk about:
- How your upper limit affects your career and relationships
- Discover what you love doing and do more of it
- Taking a big leap into your genius
- Unconscious vs. conscious loving
- Roadmap for conscious relationships
- Communicating authentically
- Taking responsibility in your relationships
- Your body is a parfait
- Honing your ability to receive
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- Read: The Big Leap, Five Wishes, Conscious Loving, Conscious Loving Ever After & more
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Related content:
- Demystifying the Conscious Relationship with K+L #531
- Permission to Evolve with Mark Groves #496
- How Heartbreak Opens Our Experience with Danielle LaPorte #552
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Almost 30 is edited by Crate Media.
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