Conscious relationship… It’s one of the most common buzzwords that’s in the relational space right now. It can bring up confusion, angst, and other complicated emotions we don’t want to be spending too much time in. So, what is it? And how can we practice it, or be ready for it, when the time comes?
Conscious Relationship Isn’t a Destination – It’s an Ongoing Practice
In this episode, Lindsey walks us through what she thought a relationship should be before finding Sean, what she assumed a conscious relationship would be, and the truth of what living in this aligned mutual practice actually looks and feels like. It starts, like so many things do, with loving yourself unconditionally. It ends, well, never! And that’s exactly how it’s meant to be. Enjoy!
“Unconditional love for yourself allows you to have unconditional love for others.” – Lindsey Simcik, Almost 30 Podcast
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