Today we are talking about financial wellness with the founder and CEO of Clever Girl Finance, Bola Sokunbi! We kick the conversation off by asking Bola about her story. She shares her mom’s uncommon journey of graduating from college and working multiple jobs in Nigeria, and how that instilled dedication and inspiration in her to do the same. Bola explains the top ways she was able to save 100k out of college, and how she grew her side-hustles during that time. Bola is adamant about there being no shame in having side-hustles to save or pay off your debt. She details the two approaches to paying off your debt, along with the three key ways to invest and percentages for budgeting. We also talk about emotions behind money, being honest with yourself about your spending, and why you may want to shift your circle of influence. To wrap up our money-talk, Bola shares her experience as a woman of color in the finance industry.
We also talk about:
- Bola’s dad’s view of formal education
- What went into Bola’s decision to buy a house
- Ways to increase your income
- What to do if you’re buying a home outside of marriage
- Communicating with your partner about finances
- How to recession-proof your finances
- Learn more:
- Instagram: @clevergirlfinance
- Listen: The Clever Girls Know Podcast
Upcoming Events:
- February 29th: Digital Workshop with Jenna Zoe
- May 5th – 8th: Almost 30 Retreat at Calamigos Ranch Malibu
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