New Year, New Goals… Or Not!

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In this new year, we’re focusing on shifting our relationship with goal-setting. Don’t get us wrong, we’re not completely throwing our to-do lists out the window. Instead, we’re being more intentional with our goals, from which goals truly matter to us, where to take inspiration, and of course, making sure they serve us well. And we’d love to have you join us, with your own new resolutions!

In This Post, You’ll Learn

  • Why we’re tired of previous ideas of goal setting
  • How to give yourself space
  • Why you should check in with yourself
  • What not to get stuck on
  • Where to turn to for goals to get (hint: yourself!)

As we head into the new year, we’re getting a lot of messaging around “Time to make your 2023 goals!” or “Set your intentions for the new year!”

Between worksheets and templates and even vision boards, it’s a lot.

You feeling that, too? It’s kinda exhausting, right?!

Personally, we have a love/hate relationship with goal setting. We love the practice of visualizing intentions, and goals have served us well at certain points of our journey. But at the same time, we’ve felt disconnected from the whole process of goal setting. It feels overwhelming, with too strict of a definition.

Like we ‘have to’ live in accordance with the fulfillment of our goals.

Like our worth is based on achievement and productivity.

Like we’re a ‘failure’ if we don’t meet them.


Honestly, none of that is true. It’s time to let that sh*t go.

In the last couple years, we’ve rethought the way we engage with goal setting. We invite you to do the same.

This will look different for everyone, but our intention is to shift the paradigm of “new year, new goals.” Let’s make it softer, more intuitive, more in flow, and more effortless.


Here are a few ways you might do that…

1. Give yourself space

Who says you have to set goals in January? No, really!

Think about it. December is lots of go go go with holiday stuff, and then we’re supposed to just hit the ground running the first week of January (or even New Year’s Eve? New Year’s Day? Who are we kidding!) with new goals?! Nope, not for us, LOL).

We like to chill the first few weeks of the new year. So if you need the whole month of January to ease in, take it! You’re on no one else’s timeline.


2. Ask yourself, ‘Is this my goal?’

So often, we internalize other people’s goals — something you see on Instagram, or that a friend is doing, or that your family wants for you.

For example, for years I said I wanted to run a marathon, but when I stopped and thought about it, I actually didn’t care about marathons… like AT ALL. I saw other people doing them, and I thought I should.

Take your time to sit with the question, “Is this goal mine?”

You can journal on things like:

  • WHY do I have this goal?
  • How will I feel when I achieve this goal?
  • Am I doing this for how it will look to others or how I will feel?

What’s so interesting is that the amygdala in our brain is activated when we set a goal for ourselves, but it is not activated in the same way when goals come from external forces. When you have your own reason for a goal, it clicks in your brain in a more powerful way.


3. Don’t get stuck on numbers

For so long, we got stuck on hitting this many downloads, or making this much money, or getting into this clothing size, or whatever the number was. Those numerical goals are not the thing. They were holding us back from what our Souls truly wanted, and keeping us stuck in a loop of comparison and self-criticism. When making goals, ask yourself how you want to feel.

4. Check in with your body

If you’re not sure about a goal, ask your body. We’ve found that spiritual, emotional, and intangible goals usually hit differently in our bodies.

Speaking of giving yourself space…

Hey, if goal setting doesn’t feel right for you at all this year, listen to that. You know!! There’s always next year. Or not! You do you, boo.

Happy New Year! Whatever this year may hold, we’re here for it, and you.

Krista & Linds

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We're Krista + Lindsey. Co-hosts of the Almost 30 Podcast, entrepreneurs, creatives, community leaders, best friends, wellness-obsessed spiritual seekers, alien lovers...and always ch-ch-ch-changing. We're excited to have you here. If you're enjoying these posts, check out our podcast, our story, and find more education in our shop!

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We're Krista + Lindsey. Co-hosts of the Almost 30 Podcast, entrepreneurs, creatives, community leaders, best friends, wellness-obsessed spiritual seekers, alien lovers...and always ch-ch-ch-changing.

We started this show on our messy closet floors, and now here we are four years later with a top 50 podcast and a community of millions. We’re here to be your guides, friends, and virtual bff’s — and to remind you that you are here for a purpose, and that you’re never alone. 

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