Linds here checking in from my new home in Brooklyn! You all submitted questions for me on my IG @lindseysimcik about my big move. I got so many amazing questions, I thought I’d answer some here.
Q: How are you feeling? Like really?
A: Haha! I’m feeling really peaceful right now. Moving is no joke. I hadn’t anticipated the intensity of living in one place one day and a completely different place the next. When you repot a plant, it’s a pretty traumatic experience for the plant. So yes, I’m the plant and have been giving myself a ton of permission to rest and take care of myself on all levels — lots of walks, sleep, therapy, cooking, acupuncture, and laughing 🙂
Q: Your move itself seemed smooth on IG — was it really that smooth?
A: The act of moving my belongings from LA to NY was actually incredibly easy. What was a bit more challenging was managing my need to control things when my anxiety flared. The control was an attempt to regulate my nervous system. I needed things my way in order to feel calm.

Q: Is it weird to be living in a completely different environment?
A: YES! But honestly, it’s so fun to feel like everything is new. It keeps me incredibly present because literally I don’t know what is around the corner. What’s really cool is that God totally hooked it up and gave me some elements of LA but with New York flair. I’m a few blocks from the water, I have a grocery that gives me Erewhon vibes right next door, as well as TREES EVERYWHERE. Brooklyn is green, I had no idea 🙂
Q: What was the first piece of furniture you got for your new place?
A: I actually got our mattress, which we LOVE. It’s a Molecule CopperWell 12” memory foam mattress 🙂 It’s super nerdy, but the copper helps with cooling and has antimicrobial properties. Plus, it’s comfy as hell!!!! I love sleep, so this decision was super important to me!!
Q: Do you miss LA?
A: I realized I don’t miss things that often..Being in a relatively new place (never lived in Brooklyn), and being with my boyfriend, I’m so present and stimulated and curious, so there isn’t much brain space for longing to be anywhere else! Also, I just LOVE our new spot and neighborhood. I walk around every day and just smile. It’s corny but true.
Q: What’s it like moving in with your boyfriend?
A: A dream. I’m understanding though that dreams are a reflection of what’s happening inside ME, how open my heart is. In the past, when my heart has been closed, it was hard for me to see what was happening for me as dreamy. Now, with him, I am heart open and am treating every conversation, challenge, win, discovery as a part of our path…neither good nor bad. Just purposeful. It’s also just really fun to start building our life together!!!!! Makes me happy.
Q: How have you and Krista managed the change both as biz partners and friends?
A: I feel like Krista and I have navigated this major change as we do most things…with love, honesty, and with lots of support. First and foremost we are friends, sisters really. So we have a deep understanding and respect for any changes that either of us decide to make. We both had a lot of emotions come up through the process, but how beautiful ya know?! We love each other so much, so these external changes can sometimes put things into perspective and challenge what we are comfortable with. But I have to say, I’m really lucky to have a friend like Krista who will always share what’s on her heart. We also both go to therapy and have a coach together. Support is everything!! Logistically, this move was a bit daunting for us as a business. How would we do all that we have done but 3,000 miles apart? But we quickly welcomed this change as a much needed challenge to push us to get creative, streamline parts of the business that needed it, and see what unexpected gifts were on their way to us because we decided to trust!!
Q: How has your routine changed since moving to Brooklyn?
A: What’s cool is that I have my whole morning to do my thang before I jump into Almost 30! So I make sure to get my meditation, movement, coffee and music in all before noon EST. Writing and singing in the morning light is a new practice that has really activated something within me. I feel clear in the sun. I’m also trying new workouts, like P.Volve (which I LOVE by the way) and walking a TON. I’ve been walking the Brooklyn Bridge a few times a week, which is just iconic and I get to make it my morning walk, like what?! I’ve been actually trying to shake up my routine. Instead of complicating my routine, I’ve been focused on giving love to parts of me…body, mind, spirit, others (we’re all one baby), and the earth.
Which reminds me…we have our 5 Day Self Love Immersion coming up — it kicks off next Monday, June 14th! Krista and I created this because we wanted us all to come together as a community to focus on integrating more love into our everyday lives. Personally, this is coming in diving timing (of course) because it’s a reminder to integrate these practices into my new routine in my new home!
If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s completely free! Just sign up here
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