415. Body Acceptance Roundtable

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Body image is something women are acutely aware of from a young age, and a topic we don’t shy away from on Almost 30. Everyone – no matter what they look like – has a complicated relationship with their body, and it’s important not to judge or assume things based on how someone looks. In today’s conversation, K+L got together with close friends and influencers Shayla Quinn + Britney Vest for a roundtable reality session to shine a light on the internal dialogue we all have around weight and body image. Although our stories are different, we all still experience hardships and shame around our bodies. It takes years of reprogramming and conscious effort to change the narratives we’ve grown up with about our bodies, but it is possible to get to a place of love and acceptance. . Shayla and Britney talk about when they first started noticing their bodies, how well-meaning people can warp our self-perspective, and how we can learn to move on from the need for validation. We’re so grateful that they’re willing to vulnerably share their experience with all of us, remind us that we’re not alone, and that truly loving and accepting ourselves is the most powerful and healing thing we can do. 

We also talk about:

  • Where our body image issues come from
  • How diet culture benefits from our insecurities
  • Changing your relationship with weight loss
  • Healing the need for validation
  • The lessons we pick up from our parents
  • The power of showing up



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We're Krista + Lindsey. Co-hosts of the Almost 30 Podcast, entrepreneurs, creatives, community leaders, best friends, wellness-obsessed spiritual seekers, alien lovers...and always ch-ch-ch-changing.

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