This week we’re givin’ off some HIGH VIBES, talking all things CRYSTALS, and much much more with the founders and CEO’s of Energy Muse, HEATHER ASKINOSIE + TIMMI JANDRO! Long story short, Heather and Timmi have been friends for nearly 45 years, living lives of adventure, spirituality, and self-exploration and healing. While Heather was the queen of holistic energy experiments in her home in Manhattan beach for many years, Timmi worked in the garment industry for just as long. And with that combination, Energy Muse was born – celebrating the use of crystals for living your best, most magical life!
Back to the show though, for those of you who don’t know anything about crystals and need that CRYSTALS 101 lesson, this episode is for you. We start off with a CRYSTAL STONE READING (oooo la fricken la), to reveal what’s going on in our lives and find more clarity. And from there we explore …
- their stories growing up together, their former careers, and jumping into adulthood
- first starting their business – making necklaces, performing energy experiments, and doing their low-key crystal deals
- the evolution of Heather and Timmi’s business partnership and trusting relationship
- when they were trailblazers in the new and fragile crystal industry + the stigma that came with that
- the energy of the earth + how it got a bad rap
- how crystals and stones are TOOLS for life – for ritual purposes, gaining composure, touch, feeling comforted, and reminding yourself the value of the Earth
- what Heather + Timmi have to say to the SKEPTICS
- our unique ways of realigning ourselves
- what it was like writing their new book “Crystal Muse” – and how therapeutic and hard the process was
- showing up for yourself for 11 minutes a day, a ritual, a practice, anything, and if you can’t do that, how can you commit to anything else
- “Do something consistently for yourself for 11 days, or even 40 days, for 11 minutes a day, you’re going to learn more about yourself in that time frame than you can in years of therapy.”
- Timmi + Heather on how crystals and self-energy work is more than about just you, but it’s about being a COLLECTIVE WORLD
- the power of that recent ECLIPSE in August and what’s happened to the Earth since then
- Crystal QUICK FIRE: what crystals to use for what
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