Krista & Lindsey are joined in this very special minisode by COURTNEY VIOLENT BENTLEY, certified personal trainer behind the blog “Fit, Fierce, and Fabulous”, and ANNIE SPANO, founder of Style Collective, an online community for fashion and lifestyle influencers.
All four of the ladies are dedicated to creating a culture where women welcome women and support one another. As Annie says, she’s created a “sisterhood” vibe. LOVE THAT. But the ladies talk honestly about how their relationships with other women haven’t always been so AMAZING. *AHEM* #HIGHSCHOOL
This is such a good one. They unwrap some GOLD, like:
- How to create a culture where women support women
- What it actually looks like for women to support other women
- When Krista, Linds, Annie, and Courtney realized the power of their relationships with other women
- How challenges with other women earlier in their lives inspired and moved them to change their perspective and want to make social shifts
- How they stay their authentic self in business and in relationships with women
Courtney Bentley Fitness website
Style Collective website
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