Daniela Kende is a board certified Holisitic Health Coach who supports busy professionals who want to lose weight, reveal more radiant skin, and find abundant energy to create the life they’ve always imagined.” Are you raising your hand and screaming “ME, ME, ME, ME, ME!!”? The girls nearly fell off of their swivel chairs because they were nodding so hard during this interview.
Daniela believes in peeling back the layers, digging deeper to reveal the real intention behind superficial ‘wants’.
Want to lose 20 lbs? Why? What would that mean for you?
She talks about actually allowing ourselves to think about what we would IDEALLY feel like each day. We need permission for that? YUP.
The girls share their dreams and goals and how aligning with your intention will increase the drive towards that goal.
How does creating a rule, like “I’m not a morning person”, sell yourself short? Daniela and the girls discuss the limitations and how releasing the rule could change your life. What are your limiting beliefs…could they be the one thing holding you back from reaching your full potential?
Grab a pen and paper because Daniela also drops extremely useful tips on skin care, diet, balancing hormones, protein powders, and sugar.
DANIELA KENDE is about to change the way LIVE.
Things we talked about in this episode:
Danielle Leporte’s Book, The Desire Map Book
New Metabolism Supplements (10% off code using CMC10)
NUCO Organic Coconut Paleo Wraps
The Hundred Blog interivew of Daniela Kende
Music from the show: “Best Friend” (Jai Wolf X AOBeats Remix)–Foster the People
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