We are so excited to welcome Dr. Eben Alexander on the show today. Dr. Alexander is a neurosurgeon, and the author of multiple books, including the New York Times #1 Best Seller, Proof of Heaven. Since his own near-death experience, Dr. Alexander has dedicated himself to sharing information about near-death experiences and other spiritually-transformative experiences, and what they teach us about consciousness and the nature of reality. In this conversation we talk about how Eben believes that our generation will make big changes, and the struggle he faced with his religion and his career as a neurosurgeon. Eben recounts an unbelievable experience he had while he was in a coma, and all that he has learned and discovered since.
We also talk about…
- The alarming stats of his illness while in the hospital
- Terminal lucidity
- The power of sound
- Psychedelics vs. sound
- Eben’s call-to-action
- Both of his books
- Learn more: ebenalexander.com
- Facebook: facebook.com/ebenalexandermd
- Read: Proof of Heaven ; Living In A Mindful Universe
- Check out: Sacred Acoustics
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