Pick a card, any card … because on this week’s episode we are joined by shamanic energy medicine practitioner, the official shaman for VOGUE Magazine, and founder of STYLE RITUALS, COLLEEN MCCANN.
If you’re into crystals, tarot readings, spirituality, intuition, spirits, ghosts, EVERYTHING MAGIC, this episode is for YOU.
So for those of you who are new to the tarot card and crystal thing thing, it’s basically a visual narrative of your past life, your current life, and your future life, as well as the emotions you are currently dealing with. Krista got a past life card, and she’s pretty sure she’s dealing with some karmic debt, while Lindsey got a Five of Cups card, meaning she’s got plenty o’ abundance.
On the other hand, shamans are conduits to things people can’t see in the unseen world, and provide messages and healing to those who need it. Shamans can realize they have their gifts at any age, and Miss McCann realized her’s in her late twenties. From hearing voices constantly, having premonition dreams, seeing ghosts, and having other healers tell her she had a gift, Colleen knew she had to listen to the voices and put her 15 plus year in the fashion industry to an end.
Although, Krista, Linds, and Colleen go over a plethora of spirituality- related topics in this episode, the main takeaway is the importance of dabbling in various practices before you find the one you like. Or the one that “speaks” to you.
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