After a near death experience, everything changed for Wade Lightheart— and he learned to adapt to his newly endowed perspective by transforming and restructuring his views and lifestyle. Today K+L are joined by Wade, a 3-time All Natural Bodybuilding Champion and founder of Bioptimizers, who is committed to uncovering the deep mysteries of the human experience. His thirst for knowledge and hunger for a deeper meaning in life combined with a spiritual awakening has helped to set his path. . He’s an experienced world traveler and has met some of the world’s smartest and most influential people. We have always been big fans of his and are grateful for his ability to strip away jargon to help us understand, relate to, and interact with his field.. In this episode, Wade tells us all about that spiritual awakening and the paradigm shift in his own life that occurred as a result of it. He speaks on the importance of cultivating sacred spaces and recognizing energy signatures. Wade is a master in hormone knowledge and imparts with us some truths about magnesium, birth control, and blue light. His mission is to cultivate compassion and we are so grateful for our time spent learning with him.
We also talk about:
- How having a spiritual practice is a non-negotiable
- Wade’s near-death experience and life review
- Reading “Think and Grow Rich” and realizing he was on the wrong path
- Having difficult conversations
- The importance of cultivating sacred spaces
- People damaging their bodies while bodybuilding
- Why people gain weight after bodybuilding and can’t take it off
- Resorting to metabolic medication to look a certain way
- Keeping your hormones in balance, the effects of your thyroid and metabolism on IQ
- The effects of birth control
- Why Magnesium Breakthrough is so different from everything else out there
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