Ep. 331 – Let Them Be Heard: 10 Powerful Black Female Voices

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Hey, We're Krista & Lindsey!

Almost 30 is a place where you can come as you are to learn more about the topics that fuel your conscious evolution. Our mission is to inspire and empower you while still keeping it grounded and fun. We're here for your evolution - even the messy parts!

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We are honored to have had many powerful conversations with the black women featured in this episode.  They are teachers, leaders, writers, activists, travelers, artists, mothers, wives,and daughters. We invite you to reflect, listen, learn, and act on the advice, experience and teachings from the voices you hear in this episode as we all come together in this revolution, to fight against racism and injustice.. You will hear from Angela Manuel-Davis, Lalah Delia, Larayia Gaston, Rachel Cargle, Bola Sokunbi, Lauren Ash, Lizzy Jeff, Evita Robinson, Jehmu Greene, and Luvvie Ajayi — each a unique, motivating, compelling voice in this world that we are proud to amplify. 

We also talk about:

  • Exploring our purpose
  • Figuring out what ways you can serve a cause
  • Not excusing the abuse black people have faced
  • How just living can be a revolution
  • The importance of black women learning to talk about money
  • Modeling self-care
  • Being a product of racial injustice
  • How the travel industry does not see black people
  • Teaching people about their unconscious biases
  • How we have to do better

Angela Manuel-Davis

Lalah Delia

LaRayia Gaston

Rachel Cargle

Bola Sokunbi

Lauren Ash

Lizzy Jeff

Evita Robinson

Jehmu Greene

Luvvie Ajayi


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We're Krista + Lindsey. Co-hosts of the Almost 30 Podcast, entrepreneurs, creatives, community leaders, best friends, wellness-obsessed spiritual seekers, alien lovers...and always ch-ch-ch-changing.

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