Welcome back to the podcast, John Wineland! He is an icon for everything conscious relationships and intimacy – he is one of our absolute FAVORITES. And he’s here to share about how our nervous system is the central point connecting our spirit, our mind, and our body. Who said science can’t be sexy? Our nervous system responses are what lead us to believe emotions are there when what we’re really experiencing is just a natural reaction, and understanding that is key to changing your relationship karma. We also check in with John about his daughter passing and how he’s processing grief.
We also talk about:
- The values brought by masculine and feminine energy
- Your posture reflecting your thoughts
- Working on yourself from the outside in
- Getting out of your head during sex
- Porn in relationships
- Beware the initial spark of attraction
- Getting clarity on what you want in a relationship
- Rewriting your relationship karma
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- 2020 Embodied Women’s Weekend Intensives
- The Art of Loving Fiercely Co-Ed Intensive
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