Linds + Krista get SO retrograde with Elizabeth Kott and Stephanie Simbari, AKA the firepower that is That’s So Retrograde podcast. Talk about a MAJOR collaboration. They’re some of LA’s go-to wellness girls, all about living a balanced, healthy, and holistic life. But with a cool twist.
The four of them connect through their childhood days, whether it was growing up in Michigan or Pennsylvania, as well as their journeys that lead them to the west coast. But more importantly, their WELLNESS journeys! And we’re not talking just eating health and working out, but getting in touch with yourself and manifesting your dream life. The ladies touch on:
- finding + building your spiritual practice, no matter what that is
- the trick with readers/psychics
- MORNING ROUTINES for the spiritual and well-balanced
- getting yourself out of negative spirals
- writing a LOVE letter for yourself, ROMANCING yourself
- understanding how you TRULY feel about being single or being in a relationship
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