Natalia Benson is bringing the astrological down to earth when it comes to empowering women with their money. The collective conversation around money is shifting in such a refreshing way, and Natty Ice is here to usher in the new age of feminine financial power as we bring you all along for the ride.
Natalia Benson is Raising the Collective Consciousness Around Personal Finance
The subconscious work around money + abundance is so important. Natalia knows that without changing your thoughts around money, you will never see real change when it comes to your financial wellness.
“If you can relate to money in a new way you can change anything.” – Natalia Benson, Women’s Empowerment Coach
She goes from the universal to the practical, talking about astrology, cryptocurrency, and the grounded tactical money management strategies you can put into practice right away. It’s time to raise that financial frequency and step into your true power.
We also talk about:
- How money and cryptocurrency are following astrology
- What’s exciting about women getting more activated around money
- The importance of paying yourself first
- Evolving your energetic relationship around money
- Money stories we tell ourselves
- The power of intention
- Financial disempowerment of women
- Tactical personal finance advice
- Consciously handling debt without shame
- Instagram: @natalia_benson
- Investing With Rose
- Read: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Watch and subscribe on YouTube:
Related content:
- EPISODE: Natalia Benson on The Energetics of Money + Calling in a Vibrational Match
- EPISODE: Love & Money with Ramit Sethi
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