We know first hand that it is not every day that you can find a best friend and a business partner in the same human being! Lindsey and Krista feel incredibly lucky to experience this type of relationship, but to sit down with another pair of female entrepreneurs who love each other just as much as they love the business, well you could not have dreamed up a better meeting. The girls from Tone It Up, Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott are on the podcast today. Tone It Up is an incredible community of strong women who support and motivate you to lead your healthiest, happiest lives (and make your dreams come true). Karena and Katrina are personal trainers who met at the gym, grew their friendship, and set out to create an awesome sisterhood of strong, empowering women. In our conversation, we talk about moving to California, how the two met, and how Tone It Up was born. The two share what it was like to watch their community begin to take off, pitching themselves to Self Magazine and other companies, and what originally sparked their interest into the fitness world. This conversation is such an inspiring look into the beautiful fitness empire that Karena and Katrina have created, and offers insight on the differences that make their relationship work, the consistency it takes to build a fempire like this one, the highs and the lows, the faith and the fear along the way, and what’s to come for Tone It Up.
We also talk about…
- Receiving doubt from outsiders
- Being competitive
- Their relationships with women
- Doing a triathlon together
- Going on tour
- Changes + growth over the 10 years
- The Tone It Up app
- Their new book, Balanced and Beautiful
- Learn more: toneitup.com (code: ALMOST30 for 20% off)
- Instagram: @toneitup ; @toneitupnutrition ; @karenadawn ; @katrinaascott
- Download: Studio Tone It Up
- Read: Balanced and Beautiful
- Learn more: yourpodcastpro.com
Coming Up:
- Almost 30 Tour | December 4th, Vancouver
- Almost 30 Tour | December 6th, Vancouver
- Nutribullet | Use code ALMOST30 for 25% off at nutribulletbalance.com
- Away | Use code ALMOST30 for $20 off a suitcase at awaytravel.com/almost30
- Talkspace | Use code ALMOST30 to get $45 off your 1st month at talkspace.com/almost30
- Robinhood | We’re giving our listeners a FREE stock to help build their portfolio at almost30.robinhood.com
- HUM Nutrition | Use code ALMOST30NATION for 15% off at humnutrition.com
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