EPISODE 78: “Don’t Sugar Coat Your Diet” – The Power of Sugar + Finding Every Piece of the Health Puzzle with Holistic Health Coach Jess Suchan

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It’s that time of year again ALMOST30NATION. Booze, cookies, candy, holiday craziness in general … the temptations ARE REAL. That’s why we brought in JESSICA SUCHAN, LA Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach, to save us (and our booty’s) from falling off the wagon this holiday season. Not only is this episode going to help navigate you through the next few months, but Jess (of Body Bliss by Jess) is all about navigating you through your food journey, emotionally, physically, spiritually, scientifically, etc. AKA you’re gonna need a notebook. Maybe two.

If you remember one of our OG Guests, Hormone Queen + Expert, Candace Burch, is actually the mother of Miss Jessica Suchan. Body Bliss Coaching definitely runs in their fam bam. But Jess had a long and unique story on her road to being a health coach. Because her family was health-oriented from the get-go (we’re talking buying almond milk before anyone even knew that existed), it was engraved in her brain being active and eating well. It wasn’t until high school when she quit sports and continued to eat the junk food she had been consuming for years, that she started going down an unhealthy path with food. In order to loose weight, she restricted herself, binging on the weekends, saving up to buy “the ab belt”, and weight loss pills. When Jess got to college, everything just escalated.

Her story continues with …

  • Jess’s first job out of college as a nutrition coach for an extremely restricting weight loss company, while she was still dealing with her own demons
  • LOSING + GAINING 40 POUNDS several different times
  • being surrounded by a family that was 100% dedicated to a restricting diet
  • how RESENTMENT was a key part of her battle with food
  • the word “DIET” versus “LIFESTYLE”
  • moving to LA with a “Devil Wears Prada” boss, triggering her former habits, feeling sick and exhausted all of the time
  • how her stressful + unhealthy lifestyle in LA caused constant migraines + how a program for ending migraines saved her life
  • her 3AM OPIPHANY for becoming a HEALTH COACH + quitting her crazy media job
  • “90% of diets fail” – because it’s a “quick fix”
  • how EVERYTHING – food, relationships, home life, jobs, self-care – is a piece of the puzzle to create a healthy life
  • “SUGAR COATING YOUR LIFE” – the biological addicting power of sugar
  • what happens when you DON’T eat sugar?
  • THE COMPARISON GAME – it’s twisted, it’s nasty, and it’s not okay

Body Bliss by Jess

Sugar Cleanse Code: ALMOST30

HUM Nutrition – Code: ALMOST30 for 20% off

Genexa Health – Code: ALMOST30 for 30% off

Energy Muse – Code: ALMOST30 for 30% off

Beach Body OnDemand – Text ALMOST30 to 303030 for free subscription

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.

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We're Krista + Lindsey. Co-hosts of the Almost 30 Podcast, entrepreneurs, creatives, community leaders, best friends, wellness-obsessed spiritual seekers, alien lovers...and always ch-ch-ch-changing. We're excited to have you here. If you're enjoying these posts, check out our podcast, our story, and find more education in our shop!

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We're Krista + Lindsey. Co-hosts of the Almost 30 Podcast, entrepreneurs, creatives, community leaders, best friends, wellness-obsessed spiritual seekers, alien lovers...and always ch-ch-ch-changing.

We started this show on our messy closet floors, and now here we are four years later with a top 50 podcast and a community of millions. We’re here to be your guides, friends, and virtual bff’s — and to remind you that you are here for a purpose, and that you’re never alone. 

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