#ALMOST30NATION, Krista + Lindsey bring you an angel on earth. Shiva Rose joins us this week to help detoxify us and empower us! Shiva is the goddess behind the blog “The Local Rose” and the Shiva Rose beauty and skincare line. From her days as a successful actress in Hollywood, to her marriage at a young age to another successful actor, to her life as a young mom diagnosed with three autoimmune diseases: lupus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis…and to her life now as an evolved citizen of earth, on a mission to heal herself and others through nature. Some highlights from their conversation include:
- how the evolution of her life has built her character and her gratitude
- how she remained strong at a very young age as she was escaping Iran during the revolution
- why her rebellious nature helped her to be her own health advocate
- how nature healed her soul after her 16 year marriage ended in divorce
- why she believes growing your own food and consciously detoxifying your life should be mainstream
- the inspiration behind her skincare line
- why women need to love their pussy’s (insert kitty emoji)
Shiva’s spirit, her brand, and her mission are nurturing and nourishing, and WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS! For more Shiva goodness, visit www.shivarose.com.
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