Today we’re talking to Sebastian Terry, the founder of “100 Things” and “Kindsum”. Sebastian is inspiring people all over the world to give themselves the permission to define how they want to live their lives. . Sebastian first created a bucket list of 100 things after losing a dear friend at a young age. He reevaluated the way he was living his life and whether he was truly happy..
Sebastian’s priorities shifted and he dedicated his time to his list. A list that lit him up and helped him to get to know himself better, to know what truly made him happy. .Once the world caught on to Sebastian’s magnetic adventure, he started to ask others, #WhatsOnYourList? His book, TV series, and talks around the world are inspiring people to shake off what people think they should do, and follow what makes them truly happy.
He’s also launching a new project designed to bring more happiness into the world, Kindsum, which you can think of as a TaskRabbit for kindness. He’s so incredibly genuine and fun, and we’re so grateful for the opportunity to share his story, his mission, and his big heart.
And if you want to talk about what’s on your list and how #ALMOST30NATION can add more kindness to the world, head over to Facebook and join our Secret Facebook Group.
In this episode, we talk about…
- What high schoolers and middle schoolers think of 100 Things
- Swimming with a shark, doing a handstand, marrying a stranger, and other incredible things on Seb’s list
- How the list grew into a community
- Getting caught up in what you “should” do
- The synchronicities that have occurred while pursuing his list
- Getting offered a book deal
- Seb’s feature on ESPN
- Why helping someone run a half marathon has been one of the most meaningful experiences of Seb’s life
- Discovering the commitment to help others
- The 100 Things reality show
- Bootstrapping + launching Kindsum
- The incarcerated individuals who built Seb’s website
- Learn more |
- Help someone today |
- Read | 100 Things: What’s On Your List?
- Check out Seb’s list |
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