Pulling again from our hat of comedians our listeners know and love, we bring on the one, the only, BILLY GRIFFIN. And boy, will you sh*t your pants from laughing so hard, and within in the first minutes no less. We’re keepin’ things light and a lil cray cray with Billy, a Los Angeles-based comedian, actor, and host, who’s been on America’s Funniest Home Videos, performs local stand-up, and with the infamous Second City Improv Program in Chicago.
Right away we dive into only the most random of everyday thoughts, like “How am I going to pay for my kid’s college tuition?“, “How did my parents even afford that?”, or “Was my father shitting himself in a closet somewhere when he realized how much it cost?” Or if that isn’t hitting home for you, Billy opens up about how he went from college football star, moving to Chicago and working shitty recruiting and insurance jobs, and then moving back home. But coincidentally, he won enough money on a game show to move out to Los Angeles and finally pursue comedy. Basically, this is where his comedic journey begins and he explains everything from …
- pumping up his crowds
- getting pre-show jitters no matter how charismatic you are
- his very first gig
- all of his comedian friends and their equally funny encounters
- what it means to be a “Warm Up Guy” for show audiences
- how dating in LA is like having a JOB – you have to be proactive
- the fear of grabbing coffee with someone you don’t know that well …
- dating PET PEEVES
- the best questions to start dating app convos with
Bill Griffin website
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