LINDS + KRISTA BACK IN ACTION from their weekend getaway in Palm Springs. Lot’s of new stuff coming for you #almost30nation.
They’re ridin’ solo this week and bringing back the infamous 20’s Us VS. 30’s Us. The ladies talk about their “healthy” ways back in the day, including gliding on ellipticals, eating ranch salads, and rocking Hardtail pants and Nike running shorts like nobody’s business. SO GOOD FOR YOU, PEOPLE. #lol And if you did’t know, diet cokes were also key to a “healthy” diet ten years ago …
And guess who’s back?!?! Your favorite sound guy, STEVE. Now you HAVE to listen.
Halfway through the episode we got a brand new CALLER, Roxanne, DC lawyer and founder of the successful blog Glass Of Glam! The ladies chat about how your friends’ egos can get in the way of your goals and dreams, and how their supportive (or unsupportive) attitudes are a reflection of what’s going on with them.
Happy Listening #ALMOST30NATION 🙂
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HUM Nutrition website, 20% Discount Code: ALMOST30
Glass Of Glam blog
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