Cleavage, man. Too much is always enough. And not enough, always has intention. In the candid opening of this weeks Almost 30, Krista and Lindsey reflect on their cleavage practices back in the day and how it serves them now.
It’s been way too long since the girls have shared their “20’s Us, 30’s Us”. Halloween gave Krista some serious inspiration. Hey ladies, still have that ‘slutty inmate’ costume in the plastic bin under your bed just in case?
Yes, we thought so!
Fella’s admit it, how confused/disturbed were you by the girls attempts at sexy grandma?
Krsita reflects on Halloween Past and Present, and the two are alarmingly different. Lindsey remembers her late night eating habits in her early 20’s….ketchup and eggo waffles anyone? She talks about her current commitment to a more mindful relationship with food.
This week the girls have a listener from Utah! UTAH!
Ali’s question about the law of attraction develops into a full blown discusion about manifestation, cultivating your tribe, and how you are the average of the five people you spend most of your time with.
This episode is an everything bagel. You gotta love something about it (if not everything).
Things we talked about:
The Secret (on The Law of Attraction and Manifesting)
A New World (on creating your life and breaking free from your own mind)
Codependent No More (what our listener, Ali suggested)
LuluLemon Goal Setting (on goal setting!)
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