This new year, we encourage you to establish podcast goals that are less focused on numbers and are more driven by intention and feelings. By getting clear on what your non-numeric goals are, you will learn a new way to define what success really means.
In this post you’ll learn:
- Why setting non-numerical goals are important
- How to feel the energetic success of your podcast
- Almost 30’s non-numeric wins
- Questions to ask yourself to get clear on your non-numeric goals
- How to check-in with yourself

Happy New Year! We hope this holiday season was joyous, and if it was a difficult one — that’s okay too. Be gracious with yourself and where you are right now.
As we look ahead, we can’t help but think about how the January 1st marker serves our collective. It’s a time to reflect, reevaluate, and set goals for the upcoming year—a positive ritual for so many of us.
Goal Setting Redefined
It’s really easy to get caught up in this goal-setting mindset and then feel burned out within a few weeks or months. That’s why, for 2022, we invite you to join us in setting intentions that are less number-focused and more driven by feelings and intuition.
There is nothing wrong with having numerical goals; in fact, it’s an important part of monitoring your business’s growth.
At the same time, it’s also essential to feel the energetic successes you achieve each and every day. This is practiced by having awareness of your daily wins.
For example, here are some of our non-numeric wins at Almost 30:
- I am receiving a way to express myself
- Creativity is a daily practice
- I have so much joy creating with my best friend
- I am inspired by the people I work with
- My work feels aligned with who I am
- I have intentional conversations weekly
These successes are often more important than hitting “X” number of downloads. I mean, c’mon, no amount of downloads or reviews can replace the feeling of podcasting with your best friend!
It’s easy to take these small wins for granted, but they are the very essence of our success.
Almost 30 Quotes
We encourage you to get clear on your non-numeric goals. Ask yourself questions like:
- How do I want to feel at the end of the workweek?
- What did I create today that is moving the needle along?
- Am I working with people who feel aligned with my mission and self?
- Am I expressing myself authentically?
- What is something I can do this month to help achieve X?
Set aside time during the week (or better yet, daily!) to have check-ins with yourself.
By putting time on the calendar for check-ins, you’ll hold yourself accountable and be able to clearly feel the reality of your current situation and see where you are with your podcast goals.
Almost 30 Quotes
This is a fundamental step to achieving those bigger dreams.
Sending you so much love as we embark on this new year together and you establish your podcast goals. We believe in you, and we’re proud of how far you’ve come already! Here’s to the small wins, always.
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