By Lindsey Simcik
I’m about two weeks out from moving (back) to New York and writing about it right now feels a little funny tbh. I’m deep IN IT — the excitement, the prep, the goodbyes…but you know I’ll always share and keep it real with you so here goes — my current plans, thoughts, and feelings!
My First Time In NYC
As you know, I used to live in NYC during my early- to mid-twenties. The theme back then was jUst SuRviVe anD pAy ReNt~*. I was bartending at night (until early morning) and auditioning during the day.
I grew up going to NYC and felt so at home and was so inspired by the constant buzz of the city. But I didn’t have the tools to be able to take care of my mental, physical, and spiritual health when things got crazy. I was exhausted by the end.
The Call To Move To LA — Literally and Spiritually
One night, I got a call from SoulCycle (I was an instructor at the time) and they asked me if I wanted to move to LA to open up a new studio.
I didn’t need any more information, the YES flew out of my mouth before my mind could process. It was that full body clarity and knowing that I will never forget.
Three weeks later, I moved to LA and started a new chapter. I didn’t know many people, but the creative energy was palpable and I was ready to immerse myself in it. I would eventually meet Krista in LA, and ya’ll know that incredible story 🙂 We birthed our Almost 30 baby and everything changed!!
This move in 2014 was the event that marked my Saturn Return — a major change in location and lifestyle that brought into focus what no longer aligned for me and what my soul deeply desired. Almost seven years later, and I have the knowing again.
Like the last move, a new chapter of my life is calling me loudly. It’s time for me and Sean to take a big, big step and move in together.
Our year-and-half of long distance has been the best — so good for our communication and has just allowed us to get to know each other on a really intentional, emotional level! Mush gush!! But I just feel so ready to start building a life together. More on that in another blog post hehe.
This move also comes at a time professionally where I feel incredibly solid in what we have built thus far and know that it will continue to grow WITH us. We are just getting started, so don’t start any rumors!!
What This Means For Me and Krista
Your girls are NOT breaking up!! In fact, we’ve gotten closer. My friendship with Krista has never been better and this move in particular has invited us to share more deeply what our desires/fears/hopes/dreams are and recommit to our friendship.
I’m so, so grateful that we have this kind of relationship. One that started lifetimes ago — LITERALLY LOL.
I’m also feeling so happy and grateful to be able to celebrate her newest chapter — marriage!! We have been so head down in the business for years, so to give time, energy, and love to the lives we have created and support one another in that evolution is just a privilege and so fun 🙂
So How Am I Feeling?
EXCITED, sentimental, overwhelmed, happy, and supported. I have short bouts of anxiety, but never doubt, which is a great sign of growth for me.
The anxiety revolves around what I perceive to be hard about this move. Knowing that my ego will work diligently to find things to prove that it’s hard, I’m on ego patrol baby! I keep repeating to myself, “This process is filled with ease and pleasant surprises!”
Designing My Dream Home with Sean
Sean and I found a great apartment in Brooklyn and I’m dying to design the space with him. Perhaps it’s my Virgo sun, but I really feel happpppy when I’m living in a space that aesthetically I adore.
The apartment has a ton of natural light, so much so that I’ll be tanning in the living room – EEK! I’m looking forward to creating a home together. I’ve never lived with a partner, in fact, I’ve lived alone for a long-ass time. So I’m sure we’ll have some beautiful growing pains, but I’m ready!
Also, East Coast studio coming soon! Our second bedroom will be part studio! YAY! I plan to travel to LA every six weeks to record, but I always love having equipment at the ready for solos!
Speaking of, should I do a solo on moving in with a partner?!
I have a feeling I’ll have so much more to express in a couple months. Right now, I’m keeping this process a little close to my heart so that I can be 1000% present.
You guys, leaving LA will be a huge, huge change and it makes me emotional to think about the life I’ve created here for myself. I’m really proud. My friends, my practices, my relationship with nature here…EREWHON.
But really, it’s a special place for dreamers like us. Dreamers thrive in LA.
So I’ll leave you for now with this: LA is the birthplace of a friendship, and global podcast, and community that continues to change the way women experience their own evolution. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever been a part of.
I cannot wait to continue growing with you all and to show you what’s possible. Cheers to receiving our lives a little bit more, celebrating the changes, and leaning on each other for support.
I love you all!
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