By Krista Williams
As many of you may know by now, Lindsey will be moving to New York City to start a new chapter in her relationship with her boyfriend Sean. I never realized a lot of things until this move happened. One of them is that I am SUPER nostalgic and open hearted this season. I have been feeling all the feels, crying a LOT and being as present as I can with what is here.
How Am I Reacting To The Move?
I know in my heart of hearts that this is the best thing for both Lindsey and I for her to move to NYC to be with Sean. That on the other side of this, we will be have it all —the business, friendship, families, and lives of our dreams.
I am not sure where Justin and I will end up after the wedding — we will be in Los Angeles until we get that call.
What Does The Mean For Our Friendship?
Lindsey and I have done so much growth and evolution here in Los Angeles together. We have gone through A LOT. We’ve changed a lot too.
Right now, we are closer than ever. Ever ever. Our friendship feels even better than the beginning. Lindsey is my home base. We go and do everything together.
We communicate psychically, and have shared deeper moments than I have with anyone. We quit our jobs, toured the world, risked it all and it worked.
But to leave something when it’s so good…that’s spirituality 2.0 — knowing that it’s good, but knowing that there’s something even more aligned for you. Knowing it can get better, so you trust enough to let go because you believe in the next best thing.
So we’re here — letting go of this Los Angeles chapter for now, because we know that our most aligned lives are in other places. That we can let go of the grip, because we are always safe.
I cried a lot a few weekends ago, in my bed, on mushrooms, I had a MOMENT with myself about how deeply Lindsey and I are connected. Also that I haven’t been this intimate with any other woman before, I haven’t let myself.
I have been healed in so many ways together. I’ve learned to trust, forgive, express, feel safe, and expand with another person.
Running a business together as public figures is no joke — we have a lot going on within the business, our team, our brand, our personal lives…and we’ve managed to truly do this thing and continue to do this thing so well. It’s the best thing ever.
I’ve felt myself constricting with this a lot like, “But what if it doesn’t get better than this? What if this is the upper limit?”
But I know it’s not. We have more to grow and more to be. More places to expand into and more of our lives to live. Together always, but just in spirit for a bit!
What Does This Mean For Almost 30?
We’ll be running business as usual — same podcast schedule, same courses, and program schedule, everything with ya’ll will just get better. We can cover both coasts, get a better range of podcast guests, and show you what a full life and friendship looks like.
Can We “Have It All?”
“You can have it all,” I keep telling myself — because right now I am at an upper limit baby! Here we are, ready to do, and receive it all.
The friendship, the business, the families, the love! All of it.
Excited to bring you along for this journey.
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