Getting on the New + Noteworthy section on Apple Podcasts is a surefire way to get your show seen and attract new listeners. We’re sharing tips to hack the Apple Podcasts algorithm and get a spot in that coveted section!
In this post you’ll learn:
- Why it’s important to be in the New + Noteworthy section on Apple Podcasts
- Why podcast cover art is essential
- How you can get the word out about your podcast
- Why you should focus on your podcast content first
The New + Noteworthy section on Apple Podcasts is a spot that a lot of podcasters want to be featured on. It will give you major visibility and help new listeners find your show. Apple Podcasts works on an algorithm, so it picks up the newly downloaded and created episodes. That’s why it’s so important to optimize your show and market it at launch.
We’re sharing 3 tips to make sure you’re set up for success!
Why it’s important to get your show on New + Noteworthy on Apple Podcasts:
You know when you go to the ‘Browse’ page of Apple Podcasts and they suggest New + Noteworthy podcasts for you to try? Those podcasts are showcased front and center, so they catch your attention right away!
You want YOUR podcast to have a spot in this list because it will help you create buzz, attract new listeners, and increase your download numbers in a big way.
3 ways to get your podcast on New + Noteworthy on Apple Podcasts:
1. Create clean and compelling cover art
Your cover art is extremely important for the New + Noteworthy section. Apple wants this section to be aesthetically pleasing. Make sure your image is high-resolution and your title is clear.
Pro tip: Serif fonts can get lost or blurred. Sans Serif fonts work really well and stand out.
Also, make sure you’re aware of key dimensions and size your art appropriately. The Apple Podcast New + Noteworthy section on desktop displays at 125 x 125 pixels. Apple Podcasts on mobile displays at 55 x 55 pixels.
2. Get the word out
The Apple algorithm picks up on downloaded episodes, so encourage everyone in your network to download your show immediately after you launch. Send an email to your friends and family, post on your socials, and ask your network to share. Don’t be shy about sharing your hard work. The people in your life want to support you!

3. Focus on content first
Don’t stress too much about getting on New + Noteworthy right away. So much of that decision depends on the relationship between networks. If you’re not in a network yet (we’re not in one at all!), don’t sweat it. Instead, focus on making sure your content is top-notch and growing your audience in an authentic way.
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