How To Be Your Own Guru With Manifestation Coach and Spiritual Leader Gabby Bernstein

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Gabby Bernstein shares with us why it is so important to be your own guru and the steps on how to get there including, how to manage a crisis, practice self-compassion, find creative solutions, show up authentically and so much more. She shares personal experiences that led her to realize why it is up to YOU to figure out what works for yourself.

Listen to the full episode here:

Who is Gabby Bernstein?

Gabby Bernstein

New York Times Bestselling author, motivational speaker, manifestation coach, and one of our favorite podcast guests Gabby Bernstein has this unique ability to be extraordinarily present in her life and translate that into messaging and teaching. She’s tapped into her own creative possibilities even more deeply recently, and we feel so lucky that she shared with us what that process was like for her. 

You Are The Guru is her newest audiobook that is meant to be a guide for finding your compass in challenging times. It is made up of six different messages to help us move through difficult times with certainty and faith, which are: 

  • See through the lens of love.
  • Surrender to creative solutions.
  • Inspired action clears the path.
  • In stillness, we receive.
  • Compassion creates connection.
  • You are the guru.

Her other books include, Super Attractor, Judgment Detox, The Universe Has Your Back, Miracles Now, May Cause Miracles, Spirit Junkie, and Add More ~Ing~ To Your Life.

Gabby Berstein’s podcast, Dear Gabby, is a weekly show that offers up real-time coaching, and a whole lot of love. Gabby Bernstein’s podcast coaches listeners through life-changing transformations, plus she has conversations about personal growth and spirituality with unique and inspiring guests.

Additionally, Gabby Bernstein’s miracle membership provides members with new workshops, guided meditations, live group meditations, community connection, and so much more. The workshops help you release blocks in every area of your life and transform your relationships, while attracting abundance. Gabby Bernstein’s miracle membership also brings you a monthly mantra and an all-access pass to an on-demand library of content, dating back to 2015.

We also love, love, love Gabby Bernstein’s blog. Every week, Gabby Bernstein’s blog features a new post about spiritual lessons and practical steps. Gabby Bernstein’s blog gives you the space to learn how to manifest your desires, live your purpose, and feel good!

Gabby Bernstein’s cards are also very popular. She has 3 different sets: The Universe Has Your Back Card Deck, Super Attractor Card Deck, and Spirit Junkie Card Deck. Gabby Bernstein’s cards will provide you with guidance and inspiration on your spiritual and personal growth journey.

No matter what is going on around her or in the world, Gabby Bernstein is able to anchor into her own truth and intuition, one reason why we love her so much. We had a blast chatting with her about You Are The Guru and all of its related themes!

In this post you’ll learn:

  • How Gabby Bernstein deals with crises and the importance of looking at life through the lens of love.
  • How Gabby Bernstein changed her experience during the pandemic and reached new creative heights.
  • Gabby Bernstein’s own experience that led her to realize why YOU must be your own guru, plus her hope for all of her students.
  • Gabby Bernstein’s opinion on what the most important thing you can do is in the personal growth space.
  • How Gabby Bernstein liberated herself and practices self-compassion.
  • What Gabby Bernstein does to surrender and get “unstuck” in order to experience creative solutions.

Gabby Bernstein on the two ways to handle crisis

Gabby found that there are two ways to approach a crisis or a difficult situation. Either we can give into the crisis, give into the ways we would try to control it, and give into the numbing out.

Or we can go BIG and come out the other side. She has chosen the latter — she believes in showing up for the personal growth, the healing, and the opportunity to change, grow, and come out new. She calls it “rising up and showing up.” And when we open up to new possibilities and choose to see through the lens of love, creative opportunities are presented to us.

When we are at our lowest, we can see this bottom as a breakthrough and open up to the possibility that things can become better. By shifting our perspective to say, “I have an opportunity to pivot. How can I do things differently now?” When we habitually begin to shift our thinking, that is when we begin to feel different. Looking at life through the lens of love is a habit.

While we cannot change our experience, we can change our experience of our experience.

Gabby Bernstein quotes

For example, during the pandemic Gabby was unable to travel and have in-person events, she at first had the mindset that the universe took away her stage, but then she worked on other ways to communicate virtually, and it opened up all these new creative possibilities she’d never seen coming.

She remembered that she felt most real when she was talking one-on-one with people and doing question & answer sessions — that’s where the magic really happens for her. So she said, “Okay, maybe this is a creative possibility.”

Then she started doing Instagram Lives and they’ve become a place for her to interact with her community and make a difference on a new stage. Once our consciousness opens up, that’s when we surrender to creative possibilities.

These possibilities are presented to us as solutions, and Gabby has the mindset that she GETS to do this now because she can’t do the other stuff anymore, which led her to write You Are The Guru.

Why it’s important to be your own guru

Gabby originally wrote this book based on five sutras that were given to her in a spiritual community and that she had really been touched by their work. She was about to deliver the manuscript when information about a guru she referred to came out that was very disturbing about sexual violence.

She was embarrassed by how vocal she had been in quoting him and was reminded to not make an ideal of anyone because if they fall, you will fall with them. It really struck her that you can’t make anyone your guru because when you do their humanness can disappoint you.

When one individual is making all of the calls and you admire them so deeply, it is a recipe for disaster. That’s why Gabby doesn’t want to be called guru because she knows she will make mistakes and do things not everyone agrees with. However, she doesn’t want these aspects of her and who she is to negate your experience with the universe.

In fact, Gabby has had students who have ended up not liking her anymore. She’s okay with that but thinks they should never lose touch with what the work has meant to them. She never wants the work to “go down” with her if someone decides they don’t like her.

This can sometimes be difficult because Gabby’s work is very much intertwined with who she is. Everything she says and does is based on her humanness, personal experiences, failures, and all of the ways she has come back to life. She is well aware that her humanness is the key to why people are served by her work.

She believes that the key for anyone who wants to be of service in the personal growth space is, to tell the truth, and to be authentic—it is the greatest service you can give. It is her humanness that has allowed others to recognize themselves in her, and that recognition makes people feel less alone.

Gabby knows that her purpose is to transform people’s perception of their lives so that they can be free. She also knows that it comes with a lot of responsibility and requires her to relinquish her ego.

How Gabby Berstein liberated herself and practices self-compassion

While “getting over herself,” was an important part of her journey, so was treating her anxiety disorder with valuable therapeutic practices, reprogramming her neuro pathways, and expanding her window of tolerance to deal with certain emotional patterns, which has since allowed her to become a new person.

She has developed a whole new understanding of neuroplasticity:

You can change your brain when you devote your life to changing it.

Gabby Bernstein quotes

She has had the privilege to attract and afford all of the training to do so. Now, she is in the undoing and the remembering of what it means to be at peace. If we are energetically off-balanced people will feel it, particularly children. Gabby believes that her intuition has been heightened as a result of motherhood.

She feels that when you become a parent you are given this universal mirror that you have in your face every day, telling you if you’re aligned or misaligned. Becoming a mother has given Gabby the gift of being present and there is no better way to heighten your intuition or your spiritual connection than being in the present moment.

Gabby feels that if we get good at being compassionate towards ourselves, then it’s effortless to practice it towards others and that the reason it’s easy to judge others is that we are really reflecting back on a disowned part of ourselves.

The more complete we become and compassionately loving and caring for our own inner being, the more second nature it becomes to love others and be compassionate towards others.

Gabby Bernstein quotes

That’s one of our favorite Gabby Bernstein quotes. Talk about truth, right? She likes to practice a lot of passionate self-talk and will speak to herself throughout the day, forgiving herself if necessary.

Gabby knows that we are all multiples and have different parts of ourselves and personalities. We have parts of ourselves that we shame, hate, and have exiled—these are the parts that are the most difficult to look at. But, when we start to recognize these different parts we can become more loving and compassionate towards them. 

In that level of awareness, you can really see your own innocence. Once you can allow the self to recognize that there are no bad parts, you and those around you will “flow.”

Gabby Berstein’s opinion on surrendering, while taking creative action

Gabby knows the importance of taking inspired action that has no goal other than inspiration. The goal is to feel inspired and to enjoy the moment—that’s surrendering and living creatively. 

By doing so, creative solutions will be presented, so if you are feeling stuck do things that help you feel creative without any goal or agenda. Gabby feels creative when:

  • Cooking
  • Writing
  • Exercising
  • Relaxing in a sauna

She believes that every artist is a channel. When you’re in your most inspired state you’re allowing creativity to come through you. For Gabby, speaking is her art. It’s easy for her to “allow” in that space, but she still works on fine-tuning it by asking spirit to speak through her, praying, and having fun. She feels having fun is the catalyst for living in spirit. 

Advice to YOU, from Gabby Bernstein, on how to start a conscious business in the personal development space

Gabby believes having a core message is fundamental. For example, she has seen so many people who want to write books, which is difficult both spiritually and practically. That’s why it is important to know what the core message is that you are here to share. Where do you want to take your reader? 

It’s the clarity that gives you permission to become the channel that allows messages to come through you.

Gabby Bernstein Quotes

It’s up to us to figure out what messages work and don’t work for ourselves. Her biggest tip: trust your own inner wisdom and faith. YOU are your own guru!

Want to learn more?

Check out Gabby Bernstein’s website, instagram, blog, cards or miracle membership.

Hear more wisdom from Gabby in other episodes:

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